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This Autumn Cycling Camp will run from 28.10 to 31.10.2024.  Sign up for a morning (9 a.m. – 12 p.m.) or afternoon session (12:30 – 3:30 p.m.) which will be starting and ending at All Saints School, St Charles Square W10 6EL.  

It is provided by and is funded by GPF2 – the Grenfell Fund.  Your instructors, Justin and Jae are fully qualified Bikeability Instructors who are DBS checked, fully insured and first aid trained.  You’re in good hands!

This Autumn Camp will lead you on rides around London and show you how to safely cycle on quieter roads, plus showing you how you can plan to get to your destination without using very busy roads.  You will need to know how to cycle a bicycle before coming on this Autumn Camp.  You may have done Bikeability at school – this course is for students who have completed Bikeability Level One and who want to progress their cycling further.

We will continue our rides in most weathers unless safety is compromised.  That means you will need to dress appropriately for the weather.  Because we’re experiencing a wet summer, please bring a waterproof jacket to stay dry and please wear comfortable shoes with good grip (for instance trainers).   

Each ride lasts 2-2.5 hours, so please bring snacks and some water to enjoy when we take breaks!

We need your consent to deliver cycle training.  If you’re under 16, we need your parents/carer’s consent.  This form should take you about 4 minutes to complete.

Tell us about Yourself

    Your ward (if known)

    Can we use photos of you on our social media platforms?* YesNo

    Please select the option that you identify with* FemaleMalePrefer not to sayOther

    Please select the option that you identify with* WhiteWhite BritishBlackBlack BritishAsianAsian BritishMixedMultiple Ethnic GroupsOther Ethnic GroupPrefer not to state

    Is English your first language?* YesNo

    Do you have any additional needs we need to be aware of? (optional)

    Please tell us about your cycling - choose an option I can ride a bike but I’m worried about riding on the road safelyI’ve ridden on the road with my family and I’d like to ride independentlyI already ride on the road on my own but would like to build my confidenceI’m confident riding on the road and I want to work on busier roads

    Which day do you want to book Autumn Cycling Camp? 28th October 9am-12.0028th October 12.30-3.30 29th October 9am-12.0029th October 12.30-3.30 30th October 9am-12.0030th October 12.30-3.30 31st October 9am-12.0031st October 12.30-3.30

    Leave your feedback here:

      Please fill your details below to access GF2 Participant Feedback Form:

      Your Name

      Your Email